Trail Days in Damascus
The 25th annual Trail Days Festival in Damascus was another huge success. Honestly, the Great Recession doesn’t seem to have even touched the Appalachian Trail. The Pacific Crest Trail reports the same thing. Hey, we Americans have our priorities in order after all.
There were some incredible innovations amongst vendors, from candle-making to disappearing tattoes, to finely-carved hiking poles. Better yet, most vendors appeared to do well.
Personally, I sold more books than I ever have at Trail Days. Skywalker–Highs and Lows on the Pacific Crest Trail outsold Skywalker–Close Encounters on the Appalachian Trial by about 5:3. That was expected given that so many of the customers had bought my Appalachian Trail book at previous Trail Days. The audience ranged from experts to novices. That’s encouraging. Hopefully, it means that future Trail Days will be even better attended. As 16 time Appalachian Trail Hiker, Warren Doyle, has said, “The Appalachian Trail is just as important to the nation’s health as the military and the Social Security system. I wholeheartedly agree!
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