Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC)
There is an Appalachian Trail event this week at NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center). If you’re like me, every time you’ve been to NOC, the weather has been diabolical. Of course, that’s unfortunate because–as we all know!–the descent into and climb out of NOC are diabolical. But the weather is looking good for tomorrow. So it’s a good day to meet the thru-hikers. They’re passing through that area in droves. The best estimates show the 2011 class is about equal to the 2010 class.
I keep thinking that the high gas prices (will will surely blunt the economic recovery) might help the Appalachian Trail. Hope so. It’s our best weapon extant. I’m waiting for President Obama to give a nationally televised address that Americans between 15 and 70 are being drafted. But instead of being sent off to bomb destroy some Third World Country, they are going to spend 6 months a year on either the AT or the PCT. That one speech would destroy OPEC overnight!
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