El Camino de Santiago 2011

Posted by on August 1, 2011 in El Camino de Santiago, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Even though it was not a holy year, The Camino had another great year. Pilgrims from around the world traversed the European continent on the way to Santiago de Compostela. The Camino, of course, is one of the three great Christian pilgrimages (the other two to Jerusalem and Rome).
The Germans were probably best represented of all the nationalities. This is because of the popular book on the Camino by famous comedian, Hape Kerkeling. The French and Spanish were next, followed by Italians. Curiously, the British were not there in great numbers. Perhaps their loyalty to Henry VIII still runs strong.
Americans have finally discovered the Camino. Further, the numbers will probably increase upon release of the film, The Way, with Martin Sheen.
The more pilgrims the better! That’s the Catholic way.


  1. The question is….when will you be hiking it and writing another great book? I’ve already read your AT and PCT books, and ready for the next 🙂

    • Yes John,

      I’m in the process of committing literary mayhem about the Camino right now. It’s a decidedly different type book. There is no feeling of danger or great concern about whether I will make it. Rather than being one of the worst hikers (as I was on the AT and PCT), I was actually one of the better ones. So how does one create an entertaining narrative?

      I’m attempting to bring in a lot of tangential topics to discuss. Religion, the Catholic Church, the various nationalities in Europe, pilgrimages throughout history, Spain. There is plenty to talk about. While there will still be plenty of chances for the reader to laugh at me, hopefully I can set the reader’s mind “athought.”

      Incidentally, if you saw fit to write a review of one of my other books on my Amazon page, it would be greatly appreciated.

      All the best,


  2. Bill,

    I took my wife to Spain two years ago for her 40th. While running I noticed a bronze sea shell in the ground and bumped into several folks with backpacks. That is how I was introduced to the El Camino De Santiago. One of these days….

    I just submitted an Amazon review for both books. Thanks for the reminder.



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