A ‘LilHoohaa about Skywalker

On the trail with Skywalker P.J. 0 comments Hiking, Hiking series, My world, Photography Oct 26 Skywalker and fellow hiker going down Forrester’s Pass on the PCT. (photo courtesy of Bill Walker) Hiking long distances is hard enough. Going through the ups and downs of a trail, fighting through weather, people and anything else that might step in your way. There’s making sure you carry enough food to make up for all the calories you burn...

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Scott Williamson–Undisputed Star of the Pacific Crest Trail

He is a bit of a mythical figure in the long-distance hiking community. Here, finally, is the real story of Scott Williamson. Related: WatchdogOutdoors » Hiker sets speed record on Pacific Crest Trail Comments (25)Share:Twitter Facebook Email Print Save With former John Muir Trail speed record holder Reinhold Metzger looking on, long-distance hiker Scott Williamson, 39, of Truckee, signs in at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail...

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Comparison of Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail

Personally, I agree with this thru-hiker. The Pacific Crest Trail is more difficult to thru-hike than the Appalachian Trail. The hiker faces greater extremes of weather and terrain. The snow can play havoc with your calculations (and psyche!). It’s 488 miles longer. The good news is that they are very different. The committed hiker has only one logical course of action–do both of them. I strongly recommend doing the AT first because...

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Scott Williamson Sets Pacific Crest Trail Record

PCTNews Scott Williamson sets a new PCT speed record today of 64 days 11 hours and 19 minutes. Wall Photos . LikeUnlike · · Share · 9 hours ago · Shared with: Public.28 people like this.. View all 13 shares.Warren Doyle Congrats from the AT. I’m intrigued about the motivation behind an individual shortening a record that was co-held two different times with two different people. Would love to see all three on a panel discussion. 24...

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